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Welcome to the active longevity electronic doctor

System of detection of Diseases related to old age with high accuracy

Upon reaching a certain age, a person needs professional support from medical specialists. In order for life to remain bright and to please with new experiences, we have developed the Electronic Doctor "Active Longevity".


System of detection of Diseases related to old age with high accuracy

  • Increase your longevity for a maximum possible time
  • Improve the quality of life and be active every day
  • Save your independence in your everyday life decisions
  • We make medicine affordable for everyone, everywhere, anytime.

How can we help you

The online consultation methodology summarizes the knowledge of dozens of medical specialists in various fields of medicine that are most in demand for older people: geriatricians, oncologists, cardiologists, neurologists, endocrinologists and urologists.

You will receive a professional risk assessment

Latest technologies will help you in the assessment of diseases related to old age

You will receive recommendations for preventing this disease

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